
Music and Drama

Music at Welburn Hall school

Music is an important part of life at Welburn Hall School. We recognise that taking part in music lessons and other musical activities promotes wider learning and development. Music has the ability to support pupils in developing confidence, communicating and making sense of the world around them. We hope to inspire our pupils to develop a lifelong love of music.

Our musical provision is understood developmentally.

Our pre-formal learners use an exploratory approach to music, which is woven into many aspects of the curriculum as an aid for communication, regulation and sensory diet. Learners are encouraged to express themselves in all ways from moving to music, creating their own sounds, and choosing their favourite

Many of our formal and semi-formal pupils are taught from the National Curriculum for music, following the North Yorkshire scheme of work. Pupils work to explore pulse, rhythm, mood, structure, pitch and musical elements at a level that is suitable for their stage of learning. Staff support pupils to progress in both their understanding of music and their musical skills.

Our college pupils also have the opportunity to take part in an accredited Performing Arts course. Pupils engage with a variety of activities within performing arts, from developing their appreciation of music to exploring dance and planning group projects. They also explore opportunities within performing arts and the application of the skills that they have learnt to their future.

At Welburn, we work to extend our music provision beyond taught sessions in class. Our regular musical opportunities include:

- whole school singing and signing sessions
- our annual Christmas and summer term performances
- visits from music therapy professionals
- singing and signing songs for our Easter service.
- visits from music workshop facilitators from organisations such as NYMAZ
- live performances by musicians from Live Music Now
- lunchtime dance clubs
- a summer performance at Helmsley Arts Centre


Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218
Email: admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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