Formal Curriculum

Formal learners follow a ‘Welburnised’ National Curriculum, which allows us to be flexible and adapt programmes of study to the needs and interests of our learners.

How is Progress Measured and Recorded?

Formal learners also have agreed learning outcomes formulated during their Annual EHCP Reviews, which are used to track learning and monitor progress. Progression is monitored at regular intervals; looking at their academic attainment, emotional, functional and life skills progress.

Each learner also has a Boxall Profile to assess their social, emotional and mental health wellbeing.

Formal Class Learning

Any barriers to learning are identified at Annual Review and lessons utilise approaches and strategies to support individual’s unique learning profile. We look to create a curriculum that is engaging, motivating and meaningful - supplying learners with a breadth of experience relevant to them. We also support cognition, communication and any sensory difficulties.

Learners are provided with opportunities to embed new skills across a range of curriculum subjects. A curriculum ‘hook’ might be employed to cover various subjects, e.g., a food technology lesson to develop science, maths, reading and PSD skills. Our broad and ambitious curriculum is well sequenced and builds on previous knowledge, employs over learning and transference of skills.

Learning Opportunities
• Phonics sessions using Read, Write Inc programme
• Reading comprehension and reading for pleasure
• Using and applying maths skills to problem solve
• Subject specific sessions with cross curricular link to enable transference of skills and over learning.
• Following and responding to instructions
• Completing tasks with increasing independence
• Using imagination and creative skills
• Activities to increase independent learning and living skills.
• Activities to encourage co-operation and collaboration
• Contextual trips and exploration of the local community

Teaching Strategies
• Visual support and symbols to aid understanding
• Low arousal environments
• Outdoor learning including the Farm and Forest School
• Sensory Regulation activities
• Read, Write Inc programme
• Fresh Start programme
• White Rose Maths
• Social scripts
• Colourful Semantics
• Sum dog
• Clicker 8
• Communication books / High Tech Communication Aids

4 Areas on an EHCP
Individual targets are agreed at Annual Review and cover the following areas:

1. Communication and Interaction
• Expressive communication
• Receptive communication
• Interaction with others in a range of contexts

2. Cognition and Learning
• English - Reading, Writing, Phonics
• Maths - Number, Measurement, Shape, Data Handling
• Science
• Computing
• Art
• Design Technology
• Food Technology
• Music
• Religious Education
• Humanities

3. Social, Emotional, Mental Health
• Self-awareness
• Self-care, support and safety
• Managing feelings
• Changing and growing
• Healthy Lifestyles
• The World I live in

4. Physical/Sensory
• PE
• Sensory awareness and regulation
• Gross motor skills
• Fine motor skills

The above is what we consider for Formal pupils

• The Boxall Profile  • Gaining Qualifications at WHS

The Boxall Profile

Boxall is an online assessment tool that considers social, emotional and mental development of learners aged 4-18. It is used to provide a picture of strengths, as well as any difficulties that might affect learning.

The assessment results in a Boxall Profile, which helps teaching staff determine the type of support learners need, with practical strategies and classroom/nurture group techniques to help them achieve their full potential.

• Gaining Qualifications at WHS


Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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