

Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

Welburn Hall College Department - Curriculum Overview

The Key Stage 5 curriculum for students in the College is an inspiring and enriching model designed to develop independent enquirers, creative thinkers, team workers, self-managers, effective participators and reflective learners.
The curriculum is designed to be responsive and flexible to meet the needs, interests and aspirations of a diverse group of learners aged 16 -19, the curriculum is age appropriate and reflects current and topical issues.

Developing functional skills in literacy and numeracy complements vocational studies to enable students to take their place in society and to be active participants in their community leading a healthy, fulfilling and well balanced lifestyle.

Students are encouraged to be active participants in the design of their curriculum pathway to support onward progression.

Functional English

There are 3 components to this area which are:
Speaking and listening - communicating effectively in a range of situations
Reading - reading and understanding information and instructions
Writing - writing accurately so that meaning is clear.
Students will be accredited through Open Awards

Functional Maths

There are 3 components to this area which are:
Using numbers and the number system
Using common measures, shapes and space
Handling information and data
Students will be accredited through Open Awards

Developing skills in English, Maths and ICT will be practiced across all areas of the curriculum as they are essential skills that enable students to:
• apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday life
• engage competently and confidently with others
• solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations
• develop personally and professionally as positive citizens who can actively contribute to society.

Vocational Studies

Courses include Catering, Animal Care andConstruction, the majority of which are accessed onsite and one offsite at a local College. Designed to offer an insight in to each and to inform future progression pathways, accreditation is gained through City and Guilds and Open Awards

Developing a healthy lifestyle

Enriching activities encourage and enable students to make informed choices about leisure and recreational pursuits. It includes physical and sporting activities as well as more creative, therapeutic and aesthetically enriching activities.

Work Experience

Students will develop their understanding of the working environment through a range of work experience opportunities, take part in enterprise activities and run the school tuck shop.
In years 12, 13 and 14 some students will take part in experience in work settings linked to career goals as closely as possible with reduced support where appropriate.

All students be supported throughout by an Independent Careers Education and Guidance Advisor.

Online safety is given priority with students being taught how to keep themselves safe whilst using the internet and social media.


Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218
Email: admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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