

GOVERNORS OF Welburn Hall School

The Governing Body carries out a very important job behind the scenes in supporting and challenging the school staff to improve the outcomes for children.

Governors have three core functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

We carry out regular audits of our skills in the light of the skills and competences we need, taking account of the Department for Education’s Competency Framework for Governance. We update our knowledge through governor training events, reading, visiting school and presentations at our meetings.

Governors meeting minutes can be requested by contacting the Clerk penny.fenton@northyorks.gov.uk or admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Currently there are 10 members and all have voting right on their committees and the Full Governing Body

2 Parent Governors term of office  
Mrs Caroline Price from 19 October 2022 to 19 October 2026
Mrs Alison Clark from 19 October 2022 to 18 October 2026

2 Staff Governors term of office  
Ms Marianne Best, Headteacher from 1 January 2026  
Mrs Rebecca Sealey    

1 LA Appointed Governor term of office  
Rev Alan Payne from 7 May 2023 to 6 May 2027

5 Co-opted Governors
(appointed by the Governing Body)

term of office  
Mrs Vivien Stephens from 12 December 2022 to 11 December 2026
Dr Jon James from 7 November 2022 to 6 November 2026
Rev Susan Binks from 7 November 2022 to 6 November 2026
Dr Susan Morgan from 7 November 2022 to 6 November 2026
Mrs Helen Porter (Co Chair) from 20 October 2021 to 19 October 2025

Clerk to the Governors    
Mrs Penny Fenton    


Dr Susan Morgan (Co-Chair)
SEND Governor

Now retired after a lifetime in secondary education, my interests include rearing sheep and using the wool fleeces in many creative ways. I love gardening and reading.
At Manchester University I gained a degree in Biochemistry, which subsequently led to a PhD following research into cell biology. The dual interests in both Biology and Chemistry allowed me to teach both subjects to A level for many years. Latterly working as Deputy and then Head Teacher I have gained huge insight into planning curricula for all types of learning and all of the management issues facing school leaders today.

Rev Alan Payne (Co-Chair)
Safeguarding Governor
E-Safety governor

Teacher of RE, Parish Priest, Area Dean, Director of Ministry Development and Training. Diocesan Board of Education. Consultant on Persons, Roles and Systems. Honorary Canon of Southwell Minster, Chair of Governors, Infant, Middle & Secondary Schools.  Currently Retired priest with permission to Officiate, Vice Chair Resources Lady Lumley's Co Chair Welburn Hall
Interests, Caravanning, Gardening, Guard on North York Moors Railway, Bird Watching. Singing.

Rev Sue Binks
Mental Health and Wellbeing Governor
I am the local Vicar, having the responsibility and care of the United Benefice of Kirkdale with Harome, Nunnington and Pockley - and geographically Welburn Hall School is located at the heart of the Benefice and I live in Harome only three miles away from the School. Prior to Ordination my professional background was in Hospital Administration serving in Acute and General Administration in Hospitals in East London and Halifax, West Yorkshire and then in Community Health Care Administration in East Cleveland. I have had the great joy and privilege to lead weekly Assemblies at Welburn Hall School for over a decade. I prepare the Assemblies in partnership with the Teaching Staff. I endeavour to make these as interactive and multi- sensory as possible and to nurture good community. The focus is always to uphold the School values and promote ‘Well Being’. The Assemblies follow the Christian Church Year and also international, national and local celebrations and events. I am the York Diocese Link Officer for our Companion Diocese, False Bay in Cape Town, South Africa and I take every opportunity to share this experience with the Students and Staff.

Allison Clark
Parent Governor
As a busy Mum to eight (with five children under 16) Allison has fostered children for the past 12 years. After retiring from a corporate career spanning 25 years, Allison successfully managed large and small businesses in the textile, recruitment and childcare industries.
Allison has keen interests in music, playing the Oboe and Classical Guitar. She also loves the theatre and visiting historic cities, and is a qualified swimming teacher, but mainly her time is spent encouraging and supporting all the children's many hobbies and interests.

Helen Porter
Vice Chair, Health and Safety Governor and Filtering and Monitoring Governor
I retired as headteacher of an all age (2-19 years) specialist school in August 2021, having worked in special education since 1987. My work focused particularly on students with visual impairment but also those with physical disabilities, cognition and communication difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Condition, Hearing Impairment and social, emotional and mental health issues.
My time as headteacher allowed me to develop extensive experience in leadership, curriculum and assessment, student and staff management and support, safeguarding, school finance and budgeting, school improvement and self-evaluation. It was a role I loved and I thoroughly enjoy still being involved in special education through the very different position of governor at Welburn Hall. I love watching young people learn and develop their independence and confidence, and value the opportunity to be part of a process that supports their successful journey into adulthood.

Caroline Price
Parent Governor
I am a Mum of two, who lives in Scarborough. My son has attended Welburn Hall School since the age of 11 and has recently moved into Welburn Hall College. My daughter is in her second year at Leeds University.
I have worked in the Retail Sector for most of my life and am Professionally CIPD qualified. (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). I currently work for one of the major fashion retailers, having spent the previous 19 years jointly owning and running a Fish and Chip shop in Whitby.
Over the years I have become incredibly passionate about Special Needs Children, their Welfare and Inclusivity. I have volunteered as a Committee Member at North Yorkshire PACT, Interactive, Whitby and as a Parent Governor at a mainstream Whitby primary school.
I enjoy Beach walking, Marshalling at Park-Runs and attempting to ride a bike as fast as my son can.
I look forward to my role of Parent Governor.

Rebecca Sealey
Staff Governor
Special Educational Needs, & Disability Coordinator
I am the SENDco at Welburn Hall School. I started with Welburn in September 2022 as the nurture class teacher. In March 2023, I also worked temporarily as the SENDco until it became my main role in September 2023. Whilst working as a Teaching Assistant at Applefield Special School and as a Family Support Officer with Henshaws, I found a passion for working with students with SEND. I started teacher training through the Graduate Teacher Programme and passed my training in 2008. Mr first job was in North Yorkshire as an Early Years and Key Stage 1 teacher, and I quickly moved into Early Years Team Leader and worked a temporary Deputy Head. In 2014, I moved into the role of SENDco for a large Academy group in York and worked across three mainstream schools who had Enhanced Resource Provisions for communication and interaction. I specialised in Dyslexia and ASD, and completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs with Bath University. After returning to work following the birth of my son, I started working across two Pickering schools as the SENDco and as part of the senior leadership team. After deliberating for many years, I decided to make the move from mainstream to special provision so I could fully immerse myself in SEND and work towards becoming a specialist.

Mrs Vivien Stephens
Link governor for the residential provision, supported by Jon James
Vivien Stephens is a retired youth and community worker who graduated as a mature student from Leeds Metropolitan University with further study at the University of Huddersfield. With experience of working in a LA residential school for boys with emotional and behaviour difficulties then working with care leavers Vivien went on to head up a county wide detached youth work team in East Riding. When this Youth Service was incorporated within Children's Social Care Vivien went on to manage a team of youth and family support workers and retired in 2015.
Vivien is currently involved with The Guide Movement in Pickering following a move from West Yorkshire in 2017. She is married with 2 adult daughters and is a keen football and cricket watcher.

Dr Jon James, Health and Care Plans

Committee Members 2023/24

Headteacher Performance Management
Rev Alan Payne
Helen Porter
Independent Consultant

Pay Committee
Rev Alan Payne
Helen Porter

Parental Complaints
Dr Susan Morgan
Membership to be pulled from the governing body board depending on the circumstances - 3 members

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2023/24

Forename Surname Governors Category Meetings Attended Not Attended Apology Not Sent Apology Not Accepted
Marianne Best Headteacher 8 8 0 0 0
Susan Binks Co-Opted 8 6 2 0 0
Allison Clark Parent 8 6 2 0 0
James Jonathan Co-Opted 8 6 2 0 0
Sue Morgan Co-Opted 8 6 2 1 0
Alan Payne Local Authority 8 7 1 0 0
Helen Porter Co-Opted 8 8 0 0 0
Caroline Price Parent 8 6 2 0 0
Becky Sealy Staff 8 5 3 0 0
Vivien Stephens Co-Opted 8 6 2 0 0

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2022/23

Forename Surname Governors Category Meetings Attended Not Attended Apology Not Sent Apology Not Accepted Governor Term Start Date Governor Term End Date
Marianne Best Headteacher 10 9 0 0 0 01/01/1900  
Susan Binks Co-Opted 10 9 0 0 0 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Allison Clark Parent 9 6 2 1 0 04/05/2023 03/05/2027
Graham "Sam" Ellis Co-Opted 1 0 1 0 0 03/10/2018 02/10/2022
Jon James Co-Opted 2 1 1 0 0 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
James Jonathan Co-Opted 8 6 1 0 0 07/11/2022 06/11/2026
Sue Morgan Co-Opted 10 8 1 1 0 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Alan Payne Local Authority 10 9 0 0 0 08/05/2019 07/05/2023
Alan Payne Local Authority 10 9 0 0 0 08/05/2023 07/05/2027
Helen Porter Co-Opted 10 9 0 0 0 20/10/2021 19/10/2025
Caroline Price Parent 9 5 3 1 0 19/10/2022 18/10/2026
Becky Sealy Staff 7 4 2 1 0 05/05/2022 05/05/2026
Vivien Stephens Co-Opted 8 6 1 0 0 12/12/2018 11/12/2022
Vivien Stephens Co-Opted 8 6 1 0 0 19/12/2022 18/12/2026
Charles Wilson Parent 8 6 1 1 0 01/04/2021 19/12/2022

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2021/22

Forename Surname Governors Category Meetings Attended Not Attended Apology Not Sent
Sarah Barker   1 1 0 0
Marianne Best Headteacher 8 8 0 0
Susan Binks Co-Opted 8 8 0 0
Graham "Sam" Ellis Co-Opted 8 7 1 0
Jon James Co-Opted 8 7 1 0
Sue Morgan Co-Opted 8 7 0 0
Alan Payne Local Authority 8 8 0 0
Helen Porter Co-Opted 7 7 0 0
Becky Sealy Staff 2 1 1 0
Vivien Stephens Co-Opted 8 8 0 0
Charles Wilson Parent 8 5 3 1

Name Meetings Attended Governor Term Start Date Governor Term End Date
Marianne Best (Headteacher) 2/8    
Susan Binks (Co-opted) 2/8 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Graham "Sam" Ellis (Co-opted) 2/8 03/10/2018 02/10/2022
Penny Fenton (Other) (Clerk) 2/8 21/07/2019 20/07/2023
Gary Fielding (Other) 2/8 14/07/2021 13/07/2025
Jon James (Co-opted) 1/8 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Sue Morgan (Co-opted) (Chair) 2/8 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Alan Payne (Local Authority) 2/8 08/05/2019 07/05/2023
Helen Porter (Co-opted) 1/7 20/10/2021 19/10/2025
Vivien Stephens (Co-opted) 2/8 12/12/2018 11/12/2022
Charles Wilson (Parent) 2/8 01/04/2021 31/03/2025

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2020/21

Name Meetings Attended Governor Term Start Date Governor Term End Date
Sarah Barker 1/1    
Marianne Best (Headteacher) 9/11    
Susan Binks (Co-opted) 8/11 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Graham "Sam" Ellis (Co-opted) 7/11 03/10/2018 02/10/2022
Penny Fenton (Other) (Clerk) 9/11 21/07/2019 20/07/2023
Jon James (Co-opted) 9/11 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
David Lamb (Parent) 0/2 06/02/2019 20/10/2020
Anne Lealman (Staff) 1/1 06/11/2019 14/10/2020
Sue Morgan (Co-opted)(Chair) 9/11 07/11/2018 06/11/2022
Alan Payne (Local Authority) 9/11 08/05/2019 07/05/2023
Vivien Stephens (Co-opted) 8/11 12/12/2018 11/12/2022
Charles Wilson (Parent) 4/4 01/04/2021 31/03/2025

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2018/19

Name Number FGB meetings
Alan Payne (Co-Chair) 7/9
Sue Morgan (Co-Chair) 6/9
Marianne Best (Head) 7/9
Sarah Barker (left 18/6/20) 2/9
Susan Binks (from 7/11/18) 5/9
Sam Ellis 3/9
John James 6/9
Darren Kendell (left 25/07/19) 1/2
David Lamb (from 13/03/19) 6/9
Gillian Locker (left 25/09/19) 0/1
Vivien Stephens 5/9
Anne Lealman (from 06/11/19) 5/8

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2018/19

Name Number FGB meetings
Alan Payne (Co-Chair) 6/8
Sue Morgan (Co-Chair) 7/8
Marianne Best (Head) 8/8
Sarah Barker 7/8
Susan Binks (from 7/11/18) 6/6
Sam Ellis 5/8
John James (from 7/11/18) 4/6
Darren Kendell (from 7/11/2018) 3/6
David Lamb (from 13/3/19) 4/4
Gillian Locker 3/8
Vivien Stephens (from 12/12/2018) 4/5

Welburn Hall School Governor Attendance 2017/18

Name Number FGB meetings
Alan Payne 8/8
Sue Morgan 8/8
Marianne Best (Head) 7/8
Sarah Barker 3/7
Gillian Locker 4/8
Paul Aber (left 07/02/2018) 3/4
Michael Garrod (left 14/03/2018) 3/5
Andrew Hill (left 31/08/2018) 5/7
Laura Walker (left 31/08/2018) 4/8
Rachel Marr (left 04/11/2018) 3/7

Governor Allowance Policy
Available - click here

Governor Induction
Available - click here

Governor Visits to the School Policy
Available - click here

Instrument of Government
Available - click here


Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218
Email: admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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