
Life Skills

Why are Life Skills Important?

Life Skills are a key part of the working hours curriculum for all Welburn Hall pupils.

Careful and highly individualised curriculum planning across school and residential care gives all pupils the opportunity to experience and learn to prepare for real life situations, such as shopping, crossing the road, meal planning, writing a letter and posting it, or even growing and eating their own food.

Independent living skills are an essential part of personal development, ensuring pupils feel confident in their communities and enhance self-esteem. Pupils progress in this essential area is monitored closely through pupil asset tracker.

How are Life Skills taught at Welburn Hall?

The development of life skills is embedded into the waking hours curriculum for all pupils and accredited through Open Awards. The timetable includes dedicated time to develop life skills across the age range.

Key skills are delivered in rotation and cover these key areas:

Road Safety and Transport
This includes crossing the road, using public transport, riding a bike.

Home Skills
This includes using buttons or zips, shopping, cooking, bed making, laundry, etc.

Environmental Awareness
Such as gardening, recycling, composting, seasonal crafts and developing a pride in our surroundings.

Fine/Gross Motor Skills
This could be yoga or another co-ordination activity.

This includes swimming or sports.

Why do Parents Think Life Skills are so Important?

Parents are very supportive and pleased with the life skills component of our curriculum.  Parents frequently tell us that developing independence and confidence are key areas of their child’s needs. Welburn Hall has a highly individualised approach to ensure that personal requirements are addressed.  In fact, many parents of special needs pupils in mainstream schools have expressed an interest in a dual placement offering access to our life skills programme.

Life skills taught both within the safe school environment, and most importantly on offsite visits present the opportunity for students to experience first-hand accessing community facilities and interacting with the general public.

Life skills is without doubt one of the most essential parts of the curriculum.”  by a Welburn Hall Dad.

What to our Pupils Think of their Life Skills Sessions?

"We planned our lunch, then we went shopping for the ingredients and made a stir fry and my friend made sticky ribs - it was delicious"

"We had to plan and budget our meal, we had to £20 to spend"

“It’s great fun to practise sharp turns on the big go-kart"

“I used to be nervous about swimming but now I am much more confident"

“I’ve set myself a target to swim 12 lengths"


Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218
Email: admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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