
Statement of Principles and Practice

Statement of Principles and Practice
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Residential Policy
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We are committed to the highest quality education, therapy and care for pupils with a wide range of special education needs.

To enable the pupils to develop their ability to communicate in spoken and written language so that they can take their place in society.

To provide for the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development of the pupils at the school.

To prepare the pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

To increase the pupils resilience.

To understand and meet the special educational needs of the pupils.

To enable the pupils to have access to the National Curriculum and a range of accredited courses.

To enable each pupil to maximise their achievements in every area of the curriculum.

To increase each pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

To enable each pupil to develop as much independence as possible.

To give pre-16 pupils access to inclusive experiences in the local community as appropriate to their needs.

To help each pupil to achieve success regardless of disability, gender, class, race or sexual orientation and to develop in all our pupils a spirit of understanding, cooperation and respect for all members of the community.
To engage the parents and carers of our pupils in an active partnership to the benefit


Our Values

RESPECT: for ourselves, for others and for our school
EXCELLENCE: in everything we do, we strive to do our best
PERSEVERENCE: keeping going when things get tough

At Welburn Hall School we believe that:

A good school is one that offers a caring, cheerful and safe environment in which pupils and staff feel valued and are encouraged to reach their full potential and where effective learning is promoted.

A successful pupil is a happy, confident, well-motivated person who enjoys learning and who is enabled to become an independent member of society.

An effective member of staff is one who enjoys being with the pupils and inspires them in a learning environment which is positive for all and who makes a significant contribution to the pupils’ development.

An effective learning environment is stimulating and attractive. In such an environment, a range of well-organised strategies are used to respond to groups and individual needs. Pupils are offered learning experiences that have an appropriate mixture of challenge and support.

The health, safety and welfare of pupils are a prime concern to all stakeholders. Policies and procedures for Child Protection are securely in place and all staff receive regular training to ensure practices are of the highest standard.

Recruitment and selection of staff is fully compliant with all aspects of safer recruitment guidance and legislation in this area.


To provide the highest quality of education, therapy and care for children and young people from 5-19 years who have a diverse range of special educational needs.

To provide a breadth of opportunities and experiences across the day and the
extended curriculum which support the philosophy of inclusive practice.

To identify and build on the pupils’ strengths and to help them to develop the age appropriate leisure interests and personal, social and independent living skills needed if they are to play an active role in their community.

To develop positive and constructive relationships between all members of the school community and promote an understanding and tolerance of people of different ethnic backgrounds, religion and sexuality.

To work in partnership with families, professionals and other stakeholders.

To provide a safe and stimulating learning environment in which all members of the school community are challenged to maximise their potential and grow in self-esteem.


Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218
Email: admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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