
College Boarding

1st Year

Learning to live away from home.
Making new friends.
Making choices to join in new activities in social time.
Learning the routines of the house. Getting up on time/going to bed on time.
Learn to use an alarm clock.
Unpacking a suitcase and putting clothes in the appropriate places.
Setting up of an affective hygiene routine.
Stripping the bed of bedding ready for laundry.
Making up a bed.
Cleaning personal space (bedroom area) on a weekly basis, using appropriate cleaning materials and vacuum.
Packing of a suitcase to go home.
Identifying appropriate clothing for the day ahead.
(Cookery practical’s and theory carried out in the college day.)

All the above learning objectives build up to a higher level of independence for the second year.

2nd Year

Un-pack and pack suitcase as independently as possible.
Planning on site activities for small groups of peers.
Getting up as independently as possible using an alarm clock.
Carry out personal hygiene routines un prompted.
Strip, launder bedding and remake a bed.
Learn to launder personal clothing.
Make a simple snack leading up to a simple meal once a week.
Clean common areas (rota basis)
Keep personal space clean and tidy (with limited assistance from staff)
Take part in regular activities.

All the above learning objectives build up to a higher level of independence for the third year.

3rd year

As above when not residing in the flats.
Live as independently in the flats as possible with support and observations from staff. (Starting with one week leading up to two weeks)
Sleep in the flats.
Plan meals (teas and breakfasts for the week ahead.
Write a shopping list from the meal plan.
Make breakfast.
Make and evening meal.
Keep the flat clean and tidy.
Carry out all personal laundry.
Weekly clean of all areas of the flat, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and hall ways.
Plan social time.
Plan off site visits for a small group of peers.
Invite friends to the flats for a meal/social occasion.

When the student finishes their third year we aim for them to be as independent as possible. Students who are not able to keep themselves safe or have severe health issues do not sleep in the flats and are under the observation of staff at all time.

Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218
Email: admin@welburn-hall.n-yorks.sch.uk


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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